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List of top-level domains


domains = topLevelDomains returns a string array of common top-level internet domain names. You can use this array to help build a custom list for the TopLevelDomains name-value argument of tokenizedDocument to help detect URLs when tokenizing text.



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View list of top-level domains used to detect web addresses in strings. Reshape the output for readability.

domains = topLevelDomains;
reshape(domains, [], 5)
ans = 51x5 string
    "com"     "ck"    "hn"    "mp"    "si"
    "edu"     "cl"    "hr"    "mq"    "sj"
    "gov"     "cm"    "ht"    "mr"    "sk"
    "int"     "cn"    "hu"    "ms"    "sl"
    "mil"     "co"    "id"    "mt"    "sm"
    "net"     "cr"    "ie"    "mu"    "sn"
    "org"     "cu"    "il"    "mv"    "so"
    "info"    "cv"    "im"    "mw"    "sr"
    "ac"      "cw"    "in"    "mx"    "st"
    "ad"      "cx"    "io"    "my"    "su"
    "ae"      "cy"    "iq"    "mz"    "sv"
    "af"      "cz"    "ir"    "na"    "sx"
    "ag"      "de"    "is"    "nc"    "sy"
    "ai"      "dj"    "it"    "ne"    "sz"
    "am"      "dk"    "je"    "nf"    "tc"
    "ao"      "dm"    "jm"    "ng"    "td"
    "aq"      "do"    "jo"    "ni"    "tf"
    "ar"      "dz"    "jp"    "nl"    "tg"
    "as"      "ec"    "ke"    "no"    "th"
    "at"      "ee"    "kg"    "np"    "tj"
    "au"      "eg"    "kh"    "nr"    "tk"
    "aw"      "er"    "ki"    "nu"    "tl"
    "ax"      "es"    "km"    "nz"    "tm"
    "az"      "et"    "kp"    "om"    "tn"
    "ba"      "eu"    "kr"    "pa"    "to"
    "bb"      "fi"    "kw"    "pe"    "tr"
    "bd"      "fj"    "ky"    "pf"    "tt"
    "be"      "fk"    "kz"    "pg"    "tv"
    "bf"      "fm"    "la"    "ph"    "tw"
    "bg"      "fo"    "lb"    "pk"    "tz"

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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