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Wheels and Tires

Wheels and tires with drum, disc, and mapped brakes

Use the model and wheel blocks in the vehicle model driveline subsystem. The blocks use the axle velocity and torque, tire parameters, and normal forces to calculate the wheel dynamics and forces acting on the vehicle axle. For the blocks, you can specify a drum, disc, or mapped brake.



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tireDataImport and store tire measurement data (Since R2023b)
tireData PropertiesProperties for tireData object (Since R2023b)
coordinateTransformPerform coordinate transformation on tire data channels (Since R2023b)
cropRemove data from tireData object (Since R2024a)
downsampleDecrease sample rate of tireData object by integer factor (Since R2024a)
filterApply filter to tireData object data channels (Since R2024a)
meanAssign mean value of tire data channel in tireData object to entire tire data channel array (Since R2024a)
medianAssign median value of tire data channel in tireData objects to entire tire data channel array (Since R2024a)
plotPlot tire data (Since R2023b)
splitSplit single tireData object into array of tireData objects (Since R2024a)
structConvert tire data to structure (Since R2023b)
tableCreate table from tire data (Since R2023b)
tireData.importCreate tireData object from file (Since R2024b)
summaryTableApplies statistical measure to each data channel in tire data (Since R2023b)
tireModelUse tireModel superclass to interact with tire model type subclasses (Since R2023b)
tireModel.builtinCreate new tire model object from built-in tire model (Since R2023b) Create new tire model object (Since R2023b)
tireModel.importCreate new tire model object with parameters from external file or MATLAB structure (Since R2023b)
compute Perform model computation on tire data channels (Since R2023b)
diff Create table of tire parameters that differ between two tire models (Since R2023b)
dispDisplay tireModel object properties (Since R2024a)
export Write tire model parameter values to external file (Since R2023b)
fitOptimize model parameter values to achieve model best fit to the input data (Since R2023b)
getImport tire model parameter values from supported Simulink or Simscape tire blocks (Since R2024a)
plotPlot response of tire models (Since R2023b)
setExport tire model parameter values to supported Simulink or Simscape tire blocks (Since R2024a)
struct Create structure from tire model (Since R2023b)
table Create table from tire model (Since R2023b)


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Combined Slip Wheel CPICombined slip wheel compliant with CPI Tydex standard (Since R2021b)
Combined Slip Wheel STICombined slip wheel compliant with STI Tydex standard (Since R2021b)
Combined Slip Wheel 2DOFCombined slip 2DOF wheel with disc, drum, or mapped brake
Dugoff Wheel 2DOFDugoff Wheel 2DOF wheel with disc, drum, or mapped brake (Since R2023a)
Fiala Wheel 2DOFFiala wheel 2DOF wheel with disc, drum, or mapped brake
Longitudinal WheelLongitudinal wheel with disc, drum, or mapped brake
Rotational BrakeRotational brake with disc, drum, mapped, or external torque modes (Since R2024b)

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