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Update Tire Block Parameter Values

This example demonstrates updating tire block parameter values with data from a fitted tire model. To update the parameters in supported tire blocks, use one of these methods:

  1. Use the set function to export the fitted tire model parameter values to a supported tire block. For a list of supported tire blocks, see set.

  2. Use the export function to save the tire model parameter values to a tire property file (TIR) or MATLAB file (MAT). Then, through the block mask, select this exported file to update the parameter values in the block mask of a supported tire block.

This example provides the Simulink model combinedSlipWheel2DOFBlock.slx that includes a Combined Slip Wheel 2DOF block and the tire data file, tm.mat which contains the tire model parameter values.

This example requires the Extended Tire Features for Vehicle Dynamics Blockset™ support package. See Install Support Package.

Update Tire Block Parameter Values using Set Function

Load the tire model parameter values from the tm.mat file to the workspace.


Open the Simulink model combinedSlipWheel2DOFBlock.slx.


Use the set function to export tire model parameter values to the Combined Slip Wheel 2DOF block.

set(tm,"combinedSlipWheel2DOFBlock/Combined Slip Wheel 2DOF");

Update Tire Block Parameter Values from File

Load the tire model parameter values from the tm.mat file to the workspace.


Use the export method to write the tire model parameters from the tireModel object tm to a TIR file.

export(tm,"example.tir", overwrite=true);

Double-click the Combined Slip Wheel 2DOF block.

Combined Slip Wheel 2DOF block

For Tire type, select External file.

Data source block property with external file selected for tire type parameter.

On the Wheel and Tire Parameters tab, select the exported file example.tir and click Update mask values from file.

External tire source block property with an example TIR file selected for the tire file parameter.

See Also

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