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Order terminal nodes of binary wavelet packet tree


    [Tn_Pal,Tn_Seq] = otnodes(WPT) returns the terminal nodes of the binary wavelet packet tree, WPT, in Paley (natural) ordering, Tn_Pal, and sequency (frequency) ordering, Tn_Seq.


    [Tn_Pal,Tn_Seq,I,J] = otnodes(WPT) returns the permutations of the terminal node indices such that Tn_Seq = Tn_Pal(I) and Tn_Pal = Tn_Seq(J).


    [DP_Pal,DP_Seq] = otnodes(WPT,'dp') returns the Paley- and frequency-ordered terminal nodes in node depth-position format.



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    Order terminal nodes with Paley and frequency ordering.

    x = randn(8,1);
    wpt = wpdec(x,2,'haar');
    [Tn_Pal,Tn_Seq] = otnodes(wpt)
    Tn_Pal = 4×1
    Tn_Seq = 4×1

    Return permutations for Paley and frequency ordering.

    load noisdopp;
    wpt = wpdec(noisdopp,6,'sym4');
    [Tn_Pal,Tn_Seq,I,J] = otnodes(wpt);
    ans = logical
    ans = logical

    Order terminal nodes by depth and position.

    x = randn(8,1);
    wpt = wpdec(x,2,'haar');
    [DP_Pal,DP_Seq] = otnodes(wpt,'dp')
    DP_Pal = 4×2
         2     0
         2     1
         2     2
         2     3
    DP_Seq = 4×2
         2     0
         2     1
         2     3
         2     2

    Create a wavelet packet tree. Split some of the tree nodes, then plot the modified tree.

    t = wptree(2,2,rand(1,512),"haar");
     t = wpsplt(t,4);
     t = wpsplt(t,5);
     t = wpsplt(t,10);

    Figure contains 2 axes objects and other objects of type uimenu. Axes object 1 with title Tree Decomposition contains 25 objects of type line, text. Axes object 2 with title data for node: 0 or (0,0). contains an object of type line.

    In Node Label, select Index to get this figure:

    Obtain the terminal nodes in Paley (natural) ordering and sequency (frequency) ordering.

     [tn_Pal,tn_Seq,I,J] = otnodes(t);
    ans = 7×4
         3     3     1     1
         9    21     3     4
        21    22     4     2
        22     9     2     3
        11     6     7     7
        12    12     6     6
         6    11     5     5

    Input Arguments

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    Binary wavelet packet tree, specified as a wptree object. You can use treeord to determine the order of your wavelet packet tree.

    Output Arguments

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    Terminal nodes in Paley (natural) ordering, returned as a N-by-1 column vector, where N is the number of terminal nodes.

    Terminal nodes in sequency ordering, returned as a N-by-1 column vector, where N is the number of terminal nodes.

    Permutations of Paley-ordered terminal node indices, returned as a N-by-1 column vector, where N is the number of terminal nodes. The permutations are such that Tn_Seq = Tn_Pal(I).

    Permutations of sequency-ordered terminal node indices, returned as a N-by-1 column vector, where N is the number of terminal nodes. The permutations are such that Tn_Pal = Tn_Seq(J).

    Paley-ordered terminal nodes in depth-position format, returned as a N-by-2 matrix, where N is the number of terminal nodes. The first column contains the depth index, and the second column contains the position index.

    Sequency-ordered terminal nodes in depth-position format, returned as a N-by-2 matrix, where N is the number of terminal nodes. The first column contains the depth index, and the second column contains the position index.

    More About

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    Paley (Natural) and Sequency (Frequency) Ordering

    The discrete wavelet packet transform iterates on both approximation and detail coefficients at each level. In this transform, A denotes the lowpass (approximation) filter followed by downsampling. D denotes the highpass (detail) filter followed by downsampling. The figure represents a wavelet packet transform in Paley ordering acting on a time series of length 8. The transform has a depth of two.

    Because of aliasing introduced by downsampling, the frequency content extracted by the operator AD is higher than the frequency content extracted by the DD operator. Therefore, the terminal nodes in frequency (sequency) order are: AA,DA,DD,AD. The terminal nodes in Paley order have the following indices: 3,4,5,6. The frequency order has the indices: 3,4,6,5.


    [1] Wickerhauser, Mladen Victor. Lectures on Wavelet Packet Algorithms, Technical Report, Washington University, Department of Mathematics, 1992.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2010b

    See Also


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