problem filling a contour
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I have a problem. I have an image (a masc) which has a hole. I detect de contour of the masc and I use "fill" to fill with a colour. My problem is that the hole is also painted and I don't want that.
Is there any option to avoid filling the holes? Thanks
Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 20 Nov 2013
If you have the coordinates of the contour, you can use poly2mask() to create binary images. For nested contours, you might have to call it twice, then subtract the binary image from the inner "hole" from the larger outer mask to make the hole zero and the torus 1.
Image Analyst
on 21 Nov 2013
You need to get the hole iteself. So invert the mask of the donut, call imclearborder() and then assign:
holeMask = imclearborder(!binaryMask);
grayImage(holeMask) = whateverIntensityYouWant;
See Also
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