how I can use gaussian mixture model to calculate a statistical value

7 views (last 30 days)
I have a set of spacial point, i.e. coordinate (x,y) of each point. I want to use the gaussian mixture model. But, how I can calculate one or several statistical values of these point?

Answers (1)

Bruno Pop-Stefanov
Bruno Pop-Stefanov on 22 Nov 2013
Edited: Brewster on 22 Nov 2013
MATLAB implements the Expectation-Maximization algorithm to fit a Gaussian mixture to some data. Use the function from the gmdistribution class on your input data. There is a detailed example showing you the steps here. You can then have access to the means and covariances of each distribution in the mixture. Does that answer your question?
ZhG on 22 Nov 2013
And is there any bivariate gaussian model in Matlab? Thanks again.
Bruno Pop-Stefanov
Bruno Pop-Stefanov on 22 Nov 2013
You have to specify the number of Gaussian models in your mixture; that's the parameter k.
X represents the data you would like a Gaussian mixture to fit to. If you have 2D points, then X is a list a (x,y) coordinates, i.e. a N-by-2 matrix. If your X is a vector, then your data is 1-dimensional.
The dimensions of the Gaussian distributions in the mixture are deduced from the dimensions of your input data X. For example, using 2D data, each point has 2 dimensions and the Gaussians in the mixture will have 2 dimensions as well.

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