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"Too many Input Arguments" for my ode15s

4 views (last 30 days)
Pazzo Giampalo
Pazzo Giampalo on 29 Nov 2013
Commented: Pazzo Giampalo on 29 Nov 2013
I have a question about solving "Too many input arguments" when using ode15s. But I checked that the number of arguments is correct. Also, I don't have any other file with the same file name but different arguments. I wonder if someone could please help me out here. Thanks in advance
  • % ODE Solver
  • % Syntax: [T,Y] = ode15s('yprime',[t0,tF],y0);
  • t0 = 0.00;
  • tF =180;
  • OBp0 = 1.2005084e9;
  • OBa0 = 1.0001628e9;
  • OCa0 = 1.674764e8;
  • BoneT0 = 100;
  • PCe0 = 0;
  • PCl0 = 0.0;
  • WNT0 = 0;
  • DKK10 = 0;
  • PSA0 = 0;
  • LTGFB0 = mu .* Kres .* OCa0 ./ (lambdaLTGFB + BLTGFB1); % calculate based on model w/o PCa
  • TGFB0 = BLTGFB1 .* LTGFB0 ./ (lambdaTGFB); % ditto
  • E0 = 1.86e9;
  • X1P0 = 0;
  • X2P0 = 0;
  • X2B0 = 0;
  • Q10 = 0.40;
  • Q20 = 0.10;
  • Q30 = 0.40;
  • A0 = 5.406;%??
  • P0 = 0;
  • Ps0 = 0;
  • options=odeset('RelTol',1e-10, 'AbsTol', 1e-14);
  • [T,V]= ode15s(@myfunc, [t0,tF], [OBp0,OBa0,OCa0, BoneT0, PCe0, PCl0, WNT0 ,DKK10 ,PSA0, LTGFB0 ,TGFB0, E0, X1P0, X2P0,X2B0,... Q10, Q20, Q30, A0, P0, Ps0],options,mu,DOBu,OBu,BLTGFB1,...
  • and the rest are just more parameters.
  • Error using BONEwithTUMORandADAIPSA>myfunc
  • Too many input arguments.
  • Error in odearguments (line 88)
  • f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
  • Error in ode15s (line 149)
  • [neq, tspan, ntspan, next, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, ...
  • Error in BONEwithTUMORandADAIPSA (line 163)
  • [T,V]= ode15s(@myfunc, [t0,tF], [OBp0,OBa0,OCa0 , BoneT0, PCe0, PCl0, WNT0,DKK10 ,PSA0, LTGFB0 ,TGFB0, E0, X1P0, X2P0,X2B0,...
  • Thanks!
  • Pazzo

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Nov 2013
Edited: Image Analyst on 29 Nov 2013
It looks like it can take 3 or 4 input arguments:
[TOUT,YOUT] = ode15s(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS) solves as above with default
integration properties replaced by values in OPTIONS, an argument created
with the ODESET function. See ODESET for details.
You use odeset() to create options, but you don't pass in options - you pass in a whole bunch of other arguments: mu,DOBu,OBu,BLTGFB1, etc.. Why? Why didn't you pass in options?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Nov 2013
I haven't used the function ever - all I did was notice that you had way more than 4 inputs so that's why it's complaining. Sorry I can't help more but I've never used that function.
Pazzo Giampalo
Pazzo Giampalo on 29 Nov 2013
it's interesting because once i had less inputs (but still >4, i had 11 back then), no problem at all running the code, all I did was just added some more inputs based on my need, but i got this error stating that i have too many input arguments. And I am not familiar with options created by odeset. So I looked up this page, but still I am confused how to fix the problem. Thank you anyway! I hope someone else could help me out here.

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