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how to link simulink with GUI so that the simulink model take the paramaeter set from the gui and and also gui get the data from the simulink model ?

2 views (last 30 days)
link simulink with GUI so that the simulink model take the paramaeter set from the gui and and also gui get the data from the simulink model here i am try to make make gui for the three tank color mixing process so that the input from the simulink model to gui and also set point parameters value are taken from GUI to simulink how can i do that?

Answers (1)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 30 Dec 2013
See How can I update a GUI with values from my Simulink model as it is running? to see how your GUI can get data from the model.
To answer your question about how the model can take a parameter from the GUI - please explain how exactly you need this to work. Is there a button on your GUI at which time you want the model to start running with parameter values from the GUI? In that case, you can use the set_param command to set the desired values on the GUI from the button callback. Then use the sim command to run the simulation.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Nov 2017
Someone flagged the above comment because it is not written in English.
There is no requirement that Questions or Answers or Comments be written in English. However, as English is the language that most people have in common here, there will typically be less response to content that is not in English.

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