weighted fit to log-log data

2 views (last 30 days)
Ben on 13 Jan 2014
Commented: Ben on 15 Jan 2014
Hi, I need to perform a first order log-log fit with the ability to weight the samples. This should fit a straight line through data plotted on log-log paper. My code seems right to me but the results are wrong. Can any one set me straight?
x = independand data
y = dependant data
w = weighting scheme
d = lscov( [ones(size(x')) log10(x)'] ,log10(y)',w)
%if i plot this the fit line is out by a factor of ~10^3
  1 Comment
Ben on 15 Jan 2014
Further to this, it seems to me that lscov is correct but my plotting is incorrect. This seems closer, but still incorrect:
Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

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