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Computing powers in matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
mark on 16 Jan 2014
Commented: Walter Roberson on 17 Jan 2014
find A whose ith element is A = ( 2.^i ) X ./ Y .... where X and Y are vectors of equal length
without looping. ie. X = [1 2 3] Y = [4 5 6].
I know how to do X ./ Y but the ith element of (2.^i) is confusing me and I do not know how to do it without looping. Thanks
Edit. Thank you 2.^(1:length(x)) worked. What if it was -2 instead of 2??? I tried fooling around with it but I had no luck

Answers (3)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 16 Jan 2014

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 16 Jan 2014
Edited: Mischa Kim on 16 Jan 2014
Does this do it?
X = [1 2 3]; Y = [4 5 6];
A = (2.^sort(randperm(length(X)))).*X./Y
A =
0.5000 1.6000 4.0000
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Jan 2014
A little obfuscation to start the day right ;-)

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Jan 2014
Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 16 Jan 2014
Ok, I understand. For the vector size portion, I have to admit, I tried to come up with a challenge for myself.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Jan 2014
What if it was -2, mark asked.

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