Comparing 2 images intensities
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I have two images 1 and 2. I want to get the v (intensity) value of the hsv images; then I want the v (intensity) value of the first image equal to v (intesity) value of the second image?
I used this code to get the v;
v = image1(:, :, 3);
u = image2(:, :, 3);
How do I make both u and v the same value?
Answers (2)
Jeff E
on 6 Feb 2014
The code below will take the hue and saturation values from image1, and the value from image2, and merge them into one new image. Said another way, you are replacing the V signal from image1 with the V signal from image2.
new_image1 = cat(3, image1(:,:,1) , image1(:,:,2), image2(:,:,3));
Your last question "How do I make both u and v the same value?" doesn't make sense, to me.
Image Analyst
on 8 Feb 2014
Try something like this:
hsv1 = rgb2hsv(rgbImage1); % Convert to hsv color space.
hsv2 = rgb2hsv(rgbImage2); % Convert to hsv color space.
hsvOut = hsv1; % Initialize output array.
hsvOut(:,:,3) = hsv2(:,:,3); % Replace intensity of 1 with 2
rgbOut = rgb2hsv(hsvOut); % convert back to rgb color space.
See Also
Find more on Convert Image Type in Help Center and File Exchange
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