How can I convert every floating value in cell to integer?

6 views (last 30 days)
I have a cell with matrices of different sizes in it .I want to convert every floating value in cell to integer. I tried int16 function but apparently it can only be used for there any function for cells?

Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 3 Mar 2014
Edited: per isakson on 3 Mar 2014
Not with a standard function. However, it is possible with a small script
>> cellfun( @(num) int16(num), {[1,2,3],[4,5]; [6], [7,8] }, 'uni', false )
ans =
[1x3 int16] [1x2 int16]
[ 6] [1x2 int16]
per isakson
per isakson on 3 Mar 2014
Edited: per isakson on 3 Mar 2014
It should work if raw_data is a flat cell array, which only contains numerical data.
per isakson
per isakson on 3 Mar 2014
It will take more than a few lines of code to convert all numerical data in any cell array to integer.
A few case can be solved by using the function, flatten. Try
raw = { [1,2,3], [4,5]; {[6],[7,8,9]}, [0] };
cellfun( @(num) int16(num), raw, 'uni', false )
Error using int16
Conversion to int16 from cell is not possible.
Error in @(num)int16(num)
cellfun( @(num) int16(num), flatten(raw), 'uni', false )
ans =
[1x3 int16] [6] [1x3 int16] [1x2 int16] [0]
which asks for reshape

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More Answers (1)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 3 Mar 2014
Two step approach for mixed cell arrays
C = {(1:10)/3, 'hello',[pi exp(1)]}
tf = cellfun(@isnumeric,C) % which cell are numeric?
C(tf) = cellfun (@(x) int16(x), C(tf),'un',0) % only convert those


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