how can I group/plot many data sets with a help of database?

2 views (last 30 days)
Dear All,
I have plenty of data files that differ that are described by 5 parameters but are not consistenly named. I want to group and plot them according to one or more parameter value and perform simple mathematical operation (like calculating average of two or more of them or dividing by one of them). Till now , since the number was reasonable, I imported them in a script each file separately and assign the parameter values as class properties. But now, the file number is huge and new are coming, so I thought of a GUI (would be my first) that first allow for importing, asks for parameters value and assign it automatically to the data imported. Finally it also allows for choosing the data sets based on search criteria, and plots the curves. My Matlab experience is very short, so I do not know if writing it in matlab is a good idea or shall I first create an access data base,somehow call it from Matlab and then plot in Matlab. i would be grateful for any hint. best regards, Aga

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