Clear Filters
Clear Filters

how to separate region of interest from the rest portion

1 view (last 30 days)
I have taken a photograph and got the ROI based on the color of the skin.Now i want to seperate the ROI from the rest of the portion.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 22 Mar 2014
What does that mean? You already have an ROI so I assume that is a binary image of which pixels are skin and which are not. What else more do you need? What are the two things you will have after you do this undefined "separation"?
tawheed jan
tawheed jan on 23 Mar 2014
Actually I want to get two separate images,one the roi and the other is the rest of the portion(meaning the remaining background,shoulders etc.

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Mar 2014
Try the attached test script, below in blue.
ensg on 9 Oct 2014
% 1_0 -> efecto de "loncheado" vertical, parece que faltasen cortes % 1_1 -> scan vertical en 2 tramos inconexos, "loncheado" % 1_2 -> no es 3D, son 2 cortes sueltos % 1_3 -> orientación "tumbado" % 2_0 -> OK, 47 cortes eje axial % 2_1 -> OK, 29 cortes eje axial % 2_2 -> OK, 201 cortes eje axial % 2_3 -> OK, 47 cortes eje axial % 2_4 -> OK, 201 cortes eje axial % 2_5 -> no es 3D, un solo corte % 2_6 -> orientación "tumbado", con proyección incluida
load 'TAC-Nasal-MATLAB\TAC_Nasal_2_2' v = volume(1:2:end,1:2:end,1:1:end); close all, figure(1) p = patch(isosurface(v, 700)); %isonormals(v, p) set(p, 'FaceColor', 'red', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); daspect([1 1 size(v,3)/size(v,1)*1.5]) view(3) camlight; lighting phong
figure(2), v2=zeros(size(v,1),size(v,2),1,size(v,3)); v2(:,:,1,:)=v; v2=(v2-min(v2(:)))/(max(v2(:))-min(v2(:))); montage(v2), set(gcf,'Name',[num2str(size(v,3)) ' cortes verticales'])
ensg on 9 Oct 2014
this is the code to get the head now i am going to do axial cut and the histogram..... thanks

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