Simulink - Warning algebric loop

4 views (last 30 days)
João Oliveira
João Oliveira on 27 Mar 2014
Answered: Chandrasekhar on 28 Mar 2014
I've a circuit on simulink where I collect three phase currents and voltages from a measuremnt bus and then use them in blocks of abc-to-dq transformation. When I run the circuit for the first time I get the following message:
This algebraic loop may be resolved when the subsystem option 'Minimize algebraic loop occurrences' is selected on some or all of the atomic and enabled subsystems in this algebraic loop.
So, I check the option "minimize algebric loop occurrences and then I get the following message:
Warning: If the inport 'dfig_controloGSC_v2/Controlo GSC/Iabc' of subsystem 'dfig_controloGSC_v2/Controlo GSC'
involves direct feedback, then an algebraic loop exists, which Simulink cannot remove. Consider clearing the
'Minimize algebraic loop occurrences' parameter to avoid this warning.
> In testeGSC at 65
In run at 74
Warning: If the inport 'dfig_controloGSC_v2/Controlo GSC/Vabc' of subsystem 'dfig_controloGSC_v2/Controlo GSC'
involves direct feedback, then an algebraic loop exists, which Simulink cannot remove. Consider clearing the
'Minimize algebraic loop occurrences' parameter to avoid this warning.
I think this loop is affecting my results but I need to do the abc-to-dq transformation. How can I solve this? Would a block delay help in this situation?
Thanks in advance

Answers (1)

Chandrasekhar on 28 Mar 2014
the feedback connection to sin_cos should be given using an unit delay block to avoid the algebraic loop error


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