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How to print ODE45 results into a table with specific time periods

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi I am working on a matlab program that solves a few differential equations to find the results of a heat transfer problem.
I have the differential portion completed but I am having trouble printing out the data to a table
options= odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'AbsTol',[1e-6 1e-6]); [t,M]= ode45(@dMdt_project4_66,tspan,initialvalues,options);
where dt= 0.1; dmax=70; dmin= 0; tspan= dmin:dt:dmax;
I want to print the results every second into a table. Any suggestions? ODE45 help doesnt explain.
Thank you

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 5 Apr 2014
Edited: Star Strider on 5 Apr 2014
With your tspan, if you define ‘tp’ as the times you want to plot and ‘Mp’ as the ‘M’ values you want to plot:
tp = tspan(1:10:end);
Mp = M(1:10:end);


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