- hardcode the line numbers and use the skip header option
- read your file as text and do the data-extraction yourself with tools like textscan and str2double
Porblem in exporting a txt file
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Stefania Avvedimento
on 20 Oct 2021
Commented: Stefania Avvedimento
on 21 Oct 2021
Hi all,
I have a .txt file (attached) that I want to extract in a matrix format. The .txt file contains the values of Chlorine Results (just ignore the Pipe Results) for only two junctions: Junc_ID 1 and Junc_ID 5 (see row 7-column 37 and row 256-column 37 respectively). The file is reduced in size so I'd like to get the results for N Junc_ID.
So lets say I want to extract the values of Chlorine results over time for EPANET column in a matrix format (let's call matrix 1) and then the values of Chlorine results over time for WUDESIM column (matrix 2) for these jucntions, how could I do?
Find attached the figure showing the format of results I'd like to get.
Anyway I tried the readtable function:
T = readtable('extract.txt','ReadVariableNames', true) and
T= readtable('extract.txt','VariableNamingRule','preserve') in MatlabR2018b but it does not working.
I'd appreciate if anyone could help me.
on 20 Oct 2021
Since your file is a not uniform you have two options:
I personally would go for option 2.
on 20 Oct 2021
You could use that, but I would suggest reading your file all at once.
If you are using a new release you can use data=cellstr(readlines('extract.txt'));
If you're using R2020a or older you can use my readfile function, which you can get from the FEX (or the AddOn-manager if you are using R2017a or later).
Then you have a cell array of character vectors, allowing you to use normal for-loops.
Accepted Answer
on 20 Oct 2021
Here's one way. This will collect the first three columns of each section into a cell array called data, each element of which corresponds to one junction, so that data{i}(:,j) is the jth column of the ith junction in the file, e.g., in this case, data{2}(:,3) is WUDESIM at junction 5 and data{1}(:,1) is Time at junction 1.
fid = fopen('extract.txt','r');
str = char(fread(fid).');
idx_s = strfind(str,'ResT_WUDESIM');
idx_e = strfind(str,'*********************************************************************************************');
idx_s = idx_s+16;
idx_e = idx_e(3:end)-5;
data = {};
for i = 1:numel(idx_s)
temp = str2num(str(idx_s(i):idx_e(i)));
data{i} = temp(:,1:3);
More Answers (1)
Cris LaPierre
on 20 Oct 2021
Here's how I would load the data using option 1. I'll let you worry about shaping the data to make the table you want.
% branch1
optsH = detectImportOptions("extract.txt",'ReadVariableNames',true);
optsH.DataLines = [8, 8];
optsH.VariableNamesLine = 7;
optsH = setvartype(optsH,1,"string");
B1_info = readtable('extract.txt',optsH)
optsB = detectImportOptions("extract.txt",'ReadVariableNames',true);
optsB.VariableNamesLine = 11;
optsB.DataLines = [12, 252];
B1_data = readtable('extract.txt',optsB)
% branch2
optsH.VariableNamesLine = 256;
optsH.DataLines = [257,257];
B2_info = readtable('extract.txt',optsH)
optsB.VariableNamesLine = 260;
optsB.DataLines = [261, 501];
B2_data = readtable('extract.txt',optsB)
See Also
Find more on Text Files in Help Center and File Exchange
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