How to extract HOG and EHD features from '.txt' files?

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I have '.txt' files and I want to extract HOG and EHD features from these files and I want to classify the targets using SVM and random forest classifiers.

Accepted Answer

Drishan Poovaya
Drishan Poovaya on 10 Nov 2021
The first step would be to import the txt file into MATLAB. You can do so in 2 ways.
  1. Use the Import Data optiom in the variable section on the home tab, and choose the output type as 'Numeric matrix'
  2. Use the below code snippet
A = readtable('metalpipe_er1_h5_d2.txt');
B = table2array(A);
In order to extract the HOG features, you can use the extractHOGFeatures function. The documentation is linked below:
There is no inbuilt function to extract EHD features, but you can refer to the Answer linked below, it describes extracting EHD features

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