Select table data by Date

6 views (last 30 days)
Inna Pelloso
Inna Pelloso on 28 Oct 2021
Edited: Chetan Bhavsar on 28 Oct 2021
I have a table, where the frist column is the date, and second column is a variable.
''2021-Jan-04'' -0.1581
''2021-Jan-04'' 0.0692
''2021-Jan-04'' 0
''2021-Jan-05'' -0.5150
''2021-Jan-05'' 0.2119
How can I select data in the second columb, by the date in the first colume?
Any help would be appreciated!

Accepted Answer

Chetan Bhavsar
Chetan Bhavsar on 28 Oct 2021
Edited: Chetan Bhavsar on 28 Oct 2021
dates = [datetime('today'); datetime('Yesterday') ;datetime('tomorrow')];
data = [-0.1 ; 0 ;0.1];
T = table(dates,data)
T = 3×2 table
dates data ___________ ____ 28-Oct-2021 -0.1 27-Oct-2021 0 29-Oct-2021 0.1
FindDate = '27-Oct-2021';
[val,index] = min(abs((datenum(T.dates)-datenum(FindDate))));
ans = 0
FindDate = '29-Oct-2021';
[val,index] = min(abs((datenum(T.dates)-datenum(FindDate))));
ans = 0.1000
FindDate = '28-Oct-2021';
[val,index] = min(abs((datenum(T.dates)-datenum(FindDate))));
ans = -0.1000

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