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Creating a plot that changes colour as the month changes

5 views (last 30 days)
Im trying to use the month function and a for-loop to find and plot specific data according to different months, for example january would be red and february would be blue, the data that is provided already has time stamp values.
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 10 Dec 2021
Edited: Stephen23 on 10 Dec 2021
Original question by Sebastion Sunny retrieved from Google Cache:
Creating a plot that changes colour as the month changes
Im trying to use the month function and a for-loop to find and plot specific data according to different months, for example january would be red and february would be blue, the data that is provided already has time stamp values. Also, the problem requires me to use the month and a for loop functions.I have attached the data below and the code here:
stdofpowerratedpower = (windTurbineData.std_Power_kW)/(7000);
PowerOutputRatingPower = (windTurbineData.mean_Power_kW)/(7000);
c = hsv(12);
for = 1:12
subplot (2,2,[1 2])
plot(timeData,PowerOutputRatingPower);% plotting mean,max,min of Power
title('Power Output 2019')
ylabel('Poweroutput/rated power [-]')
subplot (2,2,3)
xlabel('Windspeed m/s')
ylabel('Power output/ rated power')
ylim([-0.2 1.2])
subplot (2,2,4)
xlabel('Windspeed m/s')
ylabel('Std Power output/ rated power')
Thank you

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Accepted Answer

DGM on 2 Dec 2021
Edited: DGM on 2 Dec 2021
I answered a very similar question yesterday, iirc.
In that, I recommended to use a legend (and that's what I show in the example), but in the answer to your prior question, I provide an example of using a colorbar as a legend.
Since I see that the PDF you're using shows the use of a colorbar, you could certainly just use the colorbar example from earlier today with the plot setup in the link above. That uses both month() and a set of loops to deal with data grouping. I'm only using placeholder data, so you'll have to adjust things as needed.
monthnames = {'Jan','Feb','March','April','May','June','July','August','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'};
cmap = hsv(12);
% placeholder data
t = datenum([2000 2000],[01 12],[01 31]);
t = t(1):t(2);
meancapacity = rand(1,numel(t));
speed = meancapacity + 0.05*randn(1,numel(t));
% normalized power per month
plotIndex = month(t);
for moy = 1:12
% split by month
mask = plotIndex==moy;
thist = t(mask);
thismeancap = meancapacity(mask);
thisspeed = speed(mask);
% main power plot
subplot(2,2,[1,2]); hold on
% power vs speed
subplot(2,2,3); hold on
% std vs speed
subplot(2,2,4); hold on
% placeholder; idk what this means
title('Power Output 2019')
ylabel('Power output/rated power [-]')
xlabel('Month 2019')
ylim([-0.2 1.2])
grid on
title('Power Output vs Wind Speed 2019')
xlabel('Wind Speed m/s')
ylabel('Power output/rated power [-]')
cb = colorbar;
cb.Ticks = 1/24:1/12:1;
cb.TickLabels = monthnames;
title('Standard Deviation in Power Output 2019')
xlabel('Wind Speed m/s')
ylabel('Std Power output/rated power [-]')
cb = colorbar;
cb.Ticks = 1/24:1/12:1;
cb.TickLabels = monthnames;
The third plot section isn't complete, since I don't understand what exactly is supposed to be plotted. It asks for "the standard deviation as a fraction of the rated power against wind speed". The standard deviation of a vector is a scalar. The rated power is a scalar. The ratio of scalars is a scalar. The plot of a scalar versus a vector is a horizontal line.

More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Dec 2021


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