How to design a controller in a three-phase PWM rectifier?

8 views (last 30 days)
I am working on a three-phase PWM rectifier with Direct Power Control strategy.
As I have marked in the attached image, there is a PI controller, which is not necessarily a PI controller and could have several poles or zeroes.
I have simulated this system nearly successfully and the only thing I am struggling with is the controller parameters. I tried lots of controllers with different coefficients, but it still does not operate properly.
I have attached the output DC voltage signal, the output voltage should be 500v DC, while it is fluctuated with an undesired start-up and this is directly dependent on the controller coefficients.
The current controller that I have chosen is: G = (0.6/RC) * [(s+0.2/RC) / s^2*(RC s+1)] = 6*[(s+2)/s^2*(0.1s+1)]
So how can I find a proper controller?
Thanks in advance

Answers (4)

KL on 10 Apr 2015
The general idea in such control design is to derive the controller parameters based on plant parameters using standard optimum functions like optimum of amplitude etc. Nevertheless choosing such methods depends on your plant's open loop transfer function.

bharadwaj r
bharadwaj r on 17 Aug 2015
Since you plant model is highly complex ,its highly unlikely that you can find the plant function for it and then tune your PID controller values. I suggest you to try zeigler -Nicholas method of PID tuning which can start as a platform for you to get a proper PID tuning values
  1 Comment
MUHAMMED FASIL on 31 Aug 2015
Hi bharadwaj..Automatic Tuning option given in PID block can be used for above system? I am a newbie in control part.

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kaka minh
kaka minh on 21 Apr 2016
Edited: kaka minh on 21 Apr 2016
send me file simulation. i will fix them for you. email:

rabah rouas
rabah rouas on 15 Jan 2017
send me file simulation. i will fix them for you. email


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