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Determining 1, 2 and 3 sigma radii for a bivariate Gaussian histogram

12 views (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I've a 2d scatter plot which I've converted into a 2d histogram using scatter_kde (credit: Nils). I'd like to know whether it's possible to determine the 1, 2 and 3 sigma radii for the 2d histogram? It would also be useful if I could quantify the "roundness" of those circles.
Thanks and compliments of the season.

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 Dec 2021
If the point positions are in matrix format (or can be interpolated to matrix format using griddata or a similar function), the contour function would likely be appropriate. Set the contours to be whatever values are desired.
Example —
xv = linspace(-30, 30);
yv = linspace(-40, 40);
[Xm,Ym] = ndgrid(xv, yv);
zfcn = @(x,y) exp(-(x/15).^2) + exp(-(y/20).^2);
Zm = zfcn(Xm,Ym) + randn(size(Xm))*0.25;
Xm(Zm < 1) = NaN;
Ym(Zm < 1) = NaN;
Zm(Zm < 1) = NaN;
Zmm = mean(Zm(:),'omitnan');
sgma1 = std(Zm,1,1,'omitnan');
sgma1m = mean(sgma1);
sgma2 = std(Zm,1,2,'omitnan');
sgma2m = mean(sgma2);
NoNaN = ~isnan(Zm);
Xmn = Xm(NoNaN);
Ymn = Ym(NoNaN);
Zmn = Zm(NoNaN);
xvi = linspace(-30, 30, 25);
yvi = linspace(-40, 40, 25);
[Xi,Yi] = ndgrid(xvi, yvi);
Zi = griddata(Xmn(:), Ymn(:), Zmn(:), Xi, Yi);
scatter3(Xm(:), Ym(:), Zm(:), [], Zm(:), 'Marker','.')
hold on
surf(Xi, Yi, Zi, 'FaceAlpha',0.75, 'EdgeColor','k')
contour3(Xi, Yi, Zi, Zmm+[0.15 0.30 0.45], '-r', 'LineWidth',5)
hold off
grid on
scatter3(Xm(:), Ym(:), Zm(:), [], Zm(:), 'Marker','.')
hold on
contour3(Xi, Yi, Zi, Zmm+[0.15 0.30 0.45], '-r', 'LineWidth',2.5)
hold off
grid on
This is definitely not a perfect illustration of the data, however it illustrates the approach.
Tim Fulcher
Tim Fulcher on 20 Dec 2021
Thanks Star Strider. I've not finished implementation yet but so good.
Regards and compliments of the season.

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