define a function like python

7 views (last 30 days)
bahar vojdani
bahar vojdani on 17 Feb 2022
Commented: Walter Roberson on 5 May 2022
Hello all,
I have a fuction in python but I want to write like this in Matlab.
def link_to_grasshopper(x):
# x is a numpy array
# part 1: from jupyter to GH
df = pd.DataFrame(remap(x))
# wait pls
# part 2: from GH back to jupyter
f = pd.read_csv('Fitness.csv')
return f.values[0][0]
bahar vojdani
bahar vojdani on 18 Feb 2022
Thanks for helping All in all I wanted to write a function gives some parameters,and creat csv file with parameters and after simulation in other software(sleep time) read file csv an return value of csv file
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 18 Feb 2022
So did you take what I gave below and try to continue with it? If not, why not? Let's see your latest version of it.

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Feb 2022
Perhaps something like this:
function data = ReadGrasshopperFile(x, fileName1, fileName2)
% x is a numpy array
% part 1: from jupyter to GH
df = pd.DataFrame(remap(x))
% Write to CSV file
writematrix(df, fileName1);
% wait pls
% part 2: from GH back to jupyter
data = readmatrix(fileName);
Or maybe at least it's a start, since I'm not really sure what all those things in your Python code are.
bahar vojdani
bahar vojdani on 5 May 2022
hello dear,
I have a python script, but I want to rewrite that in Matlab. Indeed, in python, I used the os module to help me interact with the operating system. 'os.path.getmtime(path)' Return the time of the last modification of the path.
def cost(x):
df1 = pd.DataFrame(x)
fileName = 'output.csv'
originalTime = os.path.getmtime(fileName)
if(os.path.getmtime(fileName) > originalTime):
df2 = pd.read_csv('output.csv',memory_map=True)
d = []
for i,j in zip(df1.itertuples(),df2.iteritems()):
t = deepcopy(list(j[1]))
h = deepcopy(list(i))
results.loc[len(results.index)] = h + t
t[0] *= -1
return d
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 5 May 2022

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