Converting an image using radial profile

5 views (last 30 days)
Minseo Jeong
Minseo Jeong on 21 Feb 2022
Answered: Simon Chan on 21 Feb 2022
I want to obtain radial profiles of image (a) at 1 degree intervals from the center of circle. And then I want to arrange profiles by angle like image (c). The x-axis and y-axis of image (c) are angle and distance from the center of circle respectively. How should I do this?

Answers (1)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 21 Feb 2022
I don't have your original image and hence just crop a region as a demo.
You may change the variables according to your requirements:
Beware theta_start < theta_end and rho_start < rho_end.
Npoint is the number of points on each profile.
clear; clc;
rawdata = imread('imageA.jpg');
[Nu,Nx,Nc] = size(rawdata);
im = imbinarize(rawdata);
s0 = regionprops(im(:,:,1),'Centroid');
theta_start = -80; % theta_start < theta_end
theta_end = 0;
theta = (theta_start:1:theta_end)*pi/180;
Nprofile = length(theta);
rho_start = 20; % rho_start < rho_end
rho_end = 100;
[x_start,y_start] = pol2cart(theta,repelem(rho_start,1,Nprofile));
xs = x_start + s0.Centroid(1);
ys = y_start + s0.Centroid(2);
[x_end,y_end] = pol2cart(theta,repelem(rho_end,1,Nprofile));
xe = x_end + s0.Centroid(1);
ye = y_end + s0.Centroid(2);
Npoint = 80; % Number of points on each profile
profile = zeros(Npoint,Nc,Nprofile);
for k = 1:Nprofile
profile(:,:,k) = improfile(rawdata,[xs(k) xe(k)],[ys(k) ye(k)],Npoint);
display_profile = permute(flipud(profile), [1 3 2]);
hold on
title('Image with profile start and end points');
title('Extracted profiles');


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