Hide image in GUI using visible on/off
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I am trying to change the visibility of an image through the following commands:
set(handles.axes1,'visible','off') %hide the current axes
set(get(handles.axes1,'children'),'visible','off') %hide the current axes contents
However, an error is generated since it does not recognize the axes:
Reference to non-existent field 'axes1'.
Error in VibrationModel>MechSeal_Callback (line 82)
set(handles.axes1,'visible','off') %hide the current axes
The create function for the image is given by:
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function axes1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
axis off; %remove axis from image
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 9 Dec 2014
I never put anything in the create function.
In your MechSeal_Callback function put this line:
Tell us what it spits out to the command window. Paste it back here.
More Answers (1)
on 9 Dec 2014
Obviously, axes1 is not a field of your structure of handles.
put a breakpoint a the line set(handles.axes1,'visible','off') and check the data handles.
If axes1 is not a field of it, then there is something wrong with your gui, check the tag of your axes objects in guide (maybe you changed it?), and try to regenerate the code, see if axes1 is still not part of handles.
on 9 Dec 2014
Also, regarding to your previous question, are you using the right structure of handles (MainGui vs SubGui) ?
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