how can i store arrays of different sizes in each for loop?

57 views (last 30 days)
Hi guys, how can I store arrays of different sizes in each iteration of a for loop?
for example I have this code, inside the for I have a function that in each iteration returns an array of a certain size in the second iteration it returns another array of a different size and when storing it it returns an error saying that the arrays are not the same size.
how can I store these arrays of different sizes in a single array?
thanks in advance
niterations= 100;
Nusers = 120;
vec_nack= [];%to stock
vec_ack= [];%to stock
for g=1: niterations
[vec_0,vec_1]= DETECTIONALGORITHM (Nusers);
vec_nack=[vec_nack vec_0]
vec_ack=[vec_ack vec_1]

Accepted Answer

Voss on 18 Mar 2022
The easiest way is to use a cell array:
niterations= 100;
Nusers = 120;
vec_nack = cell(1,niterations);%to stock
vec_ack = cell(1,niterations);%to stock
for g=1: niterations
[vec_nack{g},vec_ack{g}]= DETECTIONALGORITHM (Nusers);
Then you can access individual elements (which are arrays) in your cell arrays using curly brace {} indexing:
% the 3rd element of vec_nack, for instance:

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