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i want to create a GUI in matlab and display an image after pressing a button.can you help me with that.can i get any material or documentation for creating a GUI IN MATLAB.

1 view (last 30 days)
i want to create a GUI in matlab and display an image after pressing a button.can you help me with that.can i get any material or documentation for creating a GUI IN MATLAB.

Answers (1)

Eric Keller
Eric Keller on 16 Jan 2015
here is the way I build guis. You can also use guide, but I can't make myself do that sort of thing
function guiexample
h_main = figure('name', 'guiex', ...
'Visible', 'on', ...
'OuterPosition', [500 500 560 360], ...
hprintbutton = uicontrol(h_main, ...
'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'Position', [10 10 50 50], ...
'String', 'Print',...
'Callback', @printsave);
hpanel = uipanel('parent',h_main,'position',[.01,.2,.9,.7],'visible','on','background',[0,0,0]);%[ 110 110 240 240]
hax = axes('parent',hpanel,'position',[.01,.01,.9,.9],'visible','on'); %[ 5 5 220 220]
plot(hax,sin(1:200)); = uimenu(h_main , 'Label', ' File ');
uimenu( , 'Callback', @loaddata, 'Label', 'Load data file', 'Accelerator', 'O')
function printsave(~,~)


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