Weird bug regarding UIpanel visibility
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Nathan Bblanc
on 25 Apr 2022
Answered: Andreas Goser
on 11 May 2022
I am encountering a weird bug regarding a UIpanel disappearing off the face of the earth.
the bug occurs in matlab 2022a but not in 2021b, although the application is the same one.
It occurs after I change the parent of the UIPanel from a tab in my application to a uifigure. afterwards the panel is invisible no matter what I do, even if I change the parent back to the original tab.
- the properties "Visible" and "Enable" are both set to "On".
- the position is correctly defined
- if I copy the panel (a=p.copy), and then set the copy's parent to be the same figure, the copy is not invisible.
would be thankfull for any assistance
Accepted Answer
Andreas Goser
on 11 May 2022
This issue was brought to attention of Technical Support by two users and confirmed as a bug. I recommend checking out the R2022b PreRelease that is soon to come out.
More Answers (1)
Kevin Holly
on 25 Apr 2022
I made the following app in R2022a (see attached). I could not replicate the problem. There could have been a possible issue with position, but you said that you correctly defined the position. Did you place the uipanel on a uifigure in another window?
Kevin Holly
on 26 Apr 2022
Edited: Kevin Holly
on 26 Apr 2022
I messed around with the app you sent. It seems the error occurs when the component is created while being placed in the Sand Box. Sand Box -> New_system the uipanel disappears. New_system -> Sand Box, uipanel reappears. If created when first placed in New_system, the uipanel is present. Iteratively moving between New_system and Sand Box does not cause uipanel to disappear. Is the code different when creating the uipanel in Sand Box versus New_system?
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