How to find the product of only some of the elements in a vector or matrix in MATLAB

7 views (last 30 days)
I need to find the product of some of the elements in a vector. For example from element 120 to element 160. I can only find information about how to find the product of all the elements in a vector (or all the elements in a vector or column of a matrix), this is what the prod command does. How do i find the product of only some of the elements in a vector?

Accepted Answer

Jonas on 4 May 2022
are you looking for
Carl Kier
Carl Kier on 4 May 2022
Well yes. I did not know that was an option as it is not talked about explicitly in the prod page. Thank you.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 4 May 2022
The 120:160 piece isn't specifically related to the prod command.
yourVector(120:160) is an indexing operation. See this other documentation page for more information about indexing beyond what's in that Get Started documentation.
Then the whole command calls the prod function on the results of that indexing operation. So it's chaining together multiple operations.

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