Calculate solar zenith angle

39 views (last 30 days)
Arvind Gauns
Arvind Gauns on 16 May 2022
Commented: Lei on 24 Dec 2023
I want to calculate solar zenith angle for inputting a function. i tried with the available codes but didnt work out for me. Any references/guides for estimating solar zenith angle
Arvind Gauns
Arvind Gauns on 17 May 2022
Yes. I had the methodology and also found some codes but it didnt work on my system

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Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 16 May 2022
I did a web search and found the formula. It's a little strange that your browser didn't show references/guides to calculate the solar zenith angle.
Anyhow, I also tried the code and it works:
prompt1 = "What is the value of the local latitude? ";
Phi = input(prompt1)
prompt2 = "What is the value of the current declination of the Sun? ";
delta = input(prompt2)
prompt3 = "What is the value of the hour angle, in the local solar time? ";
h = input(prompt3)
theta_s = acos(sin(Phi)*sin(delta) + cos(Phi)*cos(delta)*cos(h))
Arvind Gauns
Arvind Gauns on 17 May 2022
with a lot of trial and error the whole night, I found this way to get the solar zenith angle.
Lat = 52.65;
Long = 5.6;
height = 47.5;
f1 = A(i,:);
f = char(f1);
yea = f(1:4); year = str2double(yea);
mont = f(6:7); month = str2double(mont);
do = f(9:10); dom = str2double(do);
date = datenum(year,month,dom);
Doy = datenum(year,month,dom)-datenum(year-1,12,31);
hou = f(11:12); hour = str2double(hou);
mi = f(14:15); min= str2double(mi);
se = f(17:18); sec=str2double(se);
UTC = +1;
time = ((hour - UTC)/24) + (min/(60*24)) + (sec/(60*60*24));
cos_sza = cos(calczenithangle(Doy,time,0,0,Long,Lat));
Lei on 24 Dec 2023
Hey Arvind,
Could you please shard the function of calczenithangle?

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