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Remove more than two consecutive NaNs and delete the same rows from the date column in a table

2 views (last 30 days)
I am going through a bit complicated problem, as I have some in-situ data that needs to be cleaned, and one of the things I have to do is to delete more than two consecutive NaN values. I managed to do that by applying the code below.
The second problem that I faced is that to apply that code, I had to separate my data column from the table (contains date + data columns). And what I want is a way to include the date column, so when I delete the NaNs, the relative date rows should be gone too.
In the example below, I had to select the second column which represents the data, while the first column is the date.
Thank you
workData = readtable('station_2015.xlsx');
a = workData{:,2};
idx1 = isnan(a);
idx1 = idx1'
idr1 = diff(find([1 diff(idx1) 1]));
D1 = mat2cell(a,idr1,size(a',1));
for i = 1:length(D1)
if any(isnan(D1{i})) && length(D1{i})>2
D1{i} = [] ;
iwant1 = cell2mat(D1)

Accepted Answer

Voss on 17 Jun 2022
% a table with 2 columns, containing some NaNs in the second column:
data = (1:20).';
data([2:3 7:9 13 15:19]) = NaN;
workData = table(rand(20,1),data,'VariableNames',{'Date','Data'});
Date Data _______ ____ 0.36148 1 0.34608 NaN 0.43743 NaN 0.78196 4 0.90405 5 0.46612 6 0.96308 NaN 0.57548 NaN 0.76747 NaN 0.26333 10 0.89622 11 0.28484 12 0.40249 NaN 0.29187 14 0.43846 NaN 0.51367 NaN 0.37457 NaN 0.51091 NaN 0.86945 NaN 0.26653 20
% use regexp to find sequences of consecutive NaNs of length at least 3:
[start_idx,end_idx] = regexp(char('0'+isnan(workData{:,2}).'),'1{3,}','start','end')
start_idx = 1×2
7 15
end_idx = 1×2
9 19
% get the indices of all elements within those length-3+ sequences of NaNs:
to_remove = arrayfun(@(s,e)colon(s,e),start_idx,end_idx,'UniformOutput',false);
to_remove = [to_remove{:}]
to_remove = 1×8
7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19
% remove the rows at those indices from the table:
workData(to_remove,:) = []
workData = 12×2 table
Date Data _______ ____ 0.36148 1 0.34608 NaN 0.43743 NaN 0.78196 4 0.90405 5 0.46612 6 0.26333 10 0.89622 11 0.28484 12 0.40249 NaN 0.29187 14 0.26653 20
Voss on 18 Jun 2022
Edited: Voss on 18 Jun 2022
You're welcome!
Yes, you can remove consecutive NaNs within a moving window, but removing them all at once is easier.

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