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why my code is running so slowly in the while loop

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, im new at Matlab and im trying to implement a guidance for Uav but my while loop running so slowly.
Any suggestions for fix this trouble ?
clear all;
close all;
r = 1250;
O = [2500 2500]
Px = 2500; Py = 1000;
P = [ Px Py ];
Va = 100;
To = 4;
q22 = 0.1
psi = -0.4;
delta = 10;
K =0.5;
Rmin = 75
K2 = 35;
B = 0 : 0.001 : 2*pi;
c = (r* (cos(B)))+O(1);
d = (r* (sin(B)))+O(2);
N = (r * (cos(B)))+O(1);
M = (r * (sin(B)))+O(2);
% Wa = [0 300]; %
% Wb = [0 300]; %
Vx = Va * cos( psi );
Vy = Va * sin( psi );
thetaU = atan2(( Px - O(2)),( Py - O(1)));
d = abs(sqrt (( O(1) - Py )^2 + ( O(2) - Px )^2) - r)
xt = ((r * (cos ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(1));
yt = ((r * (sin ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(2));
Vd = Va*sin(psi-thetaU);
q11 = sqrt(abs(To / (To-d)));
psiD = atan2(( yt -Py ),( xt - Px ));
u =- ((d*q11) + sqrt(2*q11+q22^2)*Vd);
while d > 0
t = 0.05;
d = abs(sqrt (( O(1) - Py )^2 + ( O(2) - Px )^2) - r)
thetaU = atan2(( Px - O(2)),( Py - O(1)));
xt = ((r * (cos ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(1));
yt = ((r * (sin ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(2));
Vd = Va*sin(psi-thetaU);
q11 = sqrt(abs(To / (To-d)));
psiD = atan2(( yt -Py ),( xt - Px ));
u =- ((d*q11) + sqrt(2*q11+q22^2)*Vd);
psi = psiD ;
if(abs(u) > (Va^2)/Rmin)
if (u > 0)
u = (Va^2)/Rmin;
u = -(Va^2)/Rmin;
Vy = Va * sin ( psi ) + u * t;
Vx = Va * cos(psi) + u * t;
Px = Px + Vx *t;
Py = Py + Vy *t;
t = t + 0.1;
hold on;
plot (Px ,Py ,"r--.",O(1) , O(2) ,'b-o');
plot (c,d,'r')
title("2D Carrot Chase Trajectory")

Answers (1)

VBBV on 20 Aug 2022
clear all;
close all;
r = 1250;
O = [2500 2500]
O = 1×2
2500 2500
Px = 2500; Py = 1000;
P = [ Px Py ];
Va = 100;
To = 4;
q22 = 0.1
q22 = 0.1000
psi = -0.4;
delta = 10;
K =0.5;
Rmin = 75
Rmin = 75
K2 = 35;
B = 0 : 0.001 : 2*pi;
c = (r* (cos(B)))+O(1);
d = (r* (sin(B)))+O(2);
N = (r * (cos(B)))+O(1);
M = (r * (sin(B)))+O(2);
% Wa = [0 300]; %
% Wb = [0 300]; %
Vx = Va * cos( psi );
Vy = Va * sin( psi );
thetaU = atan2(( Px - O(2)),( Py - O(1)));
d = abs(sqrt (( O(1) - Py )^2 + ( O(2) - Px )^2) - r)
d = 250
xt = ((r * (cos ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(1));
yt = ((r * (sin ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(2));
Vd = Va*sin(psi-thetaU);
q11 = sqrt(abs(To / (To-d)));
psiD = atan2(( yt -Py ),( xt - Px ));
u =- ((d*q11) + sqrt(2*q11+q22^2)*Vd);
i = 1
i = 1
t = 0.05;
while d > 0
thetaU = atan2(( Px - O(2)),( Py - O(1)));
xt = ((r * (cos ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(1));
yt = ((r * (sin ( thetaU+delta ))) + O(2));
Vd = Va*sin(psi-thetaU);
q11 = sqrt(abs(To / (To-d)));
psiD = atan2(( yt -Py ),( xt - Px ));
u =- ((d*q11) + sqrt(2*q11+q22^2)*Vd);
psi = psiD ;
if(abs(u) > (Va^2)/Rmin)
if (u > 0)
u = (Va^2)/Rmin;
u = -(Va^2)/Rmin;
Vy = Va * sin ( psi ) + u * t;
Vx = Va * cos(psi) + u * t;
Pxx(i) = Px + Vx *t;
Pyy(i) = Py + Vy *t;
t = t + 0.1;
d = d-1; % use one counter to check the while conditon
i = i+1;
plot (Pxx ,Pyy ,"r--.",O(1) , O(2) ,'b-o');
% subplot(211)
% plot (c,d,'or')
% subplot(212)
% plot(N,M,'+k')
title("2D Carrot Chase Trajectory")
Muhammed Emin Yavuzaslan
Muhammed Emin Yavuzaslan on 23 Aug 2022
@VBBV Thanks for answering my quesiton. But i have a little question more.
You changed my equation
Px = Px + Vx *t;
Py = Py + Vy *t;
to this
Pxx(i) = Px + Vx *t;
Pyy(i) = Py + Vy *t;
why we did this ?
and my another quesiton is theta is related with Px and Py variables. When we did
Px--Pxx and Py--Pyy theta doesnt change. its stuck at zero but it must be change.
So what should i do
Sorry for my English. I'm trying my best
Thanks a lot
VBBV on 23 Aug 2022
This is done to save computed values in a new array during iteration in while loop.
clear all;
close all;
r = 1250;
O = [2500 2500]
O = 1×2
2500 2500
Px = 2500; Py = 1000;
P = [ Px Py ];
Va = 200;
alpha = 1;
k = 1;
Rmin = 75;
psi = -0.4;
delta = 0.1;
Vx = Va * cos( psi );
Vy = Va * sin( psi );
K =0.5;
B = 0 : 0.001 : 2*pi;%plot of circle
c = (r* (cos(B)))+O(1);
d = (r* (sin(B)))+O(2);
N = (r * (cos(B)))+O(1);
M = (r * (sin(B)))+O(2);
d = abs(sqrt (( O(2) - Py )^2 + ( O(1) - Px )^2));
theta = atan2(Py-O(2),Px-O(1));
xt = ((r * (cos ( theta+delta ))) + O(1));
yt = ((r * (sin ( theta+delta ))) + O(2));
psiD = atan2(( yt -Py ),( xt - Px ));
if d > 2*r
psid = theta-pi+asin(r/d)
psic = psid+ (Va*sin(psi-theta) /(alpha*d))
psid = (theta-(pi/2) - (pi/3)*(((d-r)/r)^k) );
psic = psid-(Va*sin(psi-theta)/(alpha*d))- (k*Va*pi*(d^(k-1))) / (3*(r^k)*alpha);
u = K*(psic-psi)*Va;
i = 1;
t = 0.05;
d = abs(sqrt (( O(2) - Py )^2 + ( O(1) - Px )^2) - r);
while abs (d) > 0
theta = atan2(Py-O(2),Px-O(1))
xt = ((r * (cos ( theta+delta ))) + O(1));
yt = ((r * (sin ( theta+delta ))) + O(2));
psiD = atan2(( yt -Py ),( xt - Px ));
if d > 2*r
psid = theta-pi+asin(r/d)
psic = psid+ (Va*sin(psi-theta) /(alpha*d))
psid = (theta-(pi/2) - (pi/3)*(((d-r)/r)^k) );
psic = psid-(Va*sin(psi-theta)/(alpha*d))- (k*Va*pi*(d^(k-1))) / (3*(r^k)*alpha);
psi = psiD;
if(abs(u) > (Va^2)/Rmin)
if (u > 0)
u = (Va^2)/Rmin;
u = -(Va^2)/Rmin;
Vy = Va * sin ( psi ) + u * t;
Vx = Va * cos(psi) + u * t;
Px = Px + Vx *t; %
Py = Py + Vy *t;
t = t + 0.01;
d = d-1;
i = i+1;
hold on;
plot (Px ,Py ,"ro",O(1) , O(2) ,'b-o');
title("2D Carrot Chase Trajectory")
theta = -1.5708
theta = -1.5684
theta = -1.5656
theta = -1.5622
theta = -1.5584
theta = -1.5540
theta = -1.5490
theta = -1.5433
theta = -1.5367
theta = -1.5293
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