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Legend for varying parameters in a loop

1 view (last 30 days)
Is it possible to have legends such that for xi=-0.06 (I have 4 different plots for various times). I want the lines to have the same color(say blue) and for xi=-0.05 (I have 4 different plots for various times) I want the lines to have the same color(say red)? See the lines concern and I have also attached my codes
f1 = @(xi) theta(1:round(nt/4):nt,:);
hold on
for i = 1:numel(xi)
plot(z, f1(xi(i)))
xlabel('t (seconds)')
legend('\xi=-0.06', '\xi=-0.05')
hold off

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Sep 2022
plot(z, f1(xi(i)))
assign the result of f1(xi(i)) to a variable, say f1i. Then
h(i, :) = plot(z, f1i(:, 1), 'b', f1i(:, 2), 'r');
Now delete the legend call inside the loop.
After the loop
legend(h(1,:), {'\xi=-0.06', '\xi=-0.05'})
University Glasgow
University Glasgow on 19 Sep 2022
The code I have here gives legend with same color for corresponding values of xi, which is okay. But I want the legend to appear such that for xi=-0.06 (r), for xi=-0.2 (b) and for xi=-0.06 (c) with only one line representing the 3 lines instead of 3 lines for each value of xi. I don't know if this is possible.
hold on
for ixi = 1:3
if ixi == 1
plot(z, squeeze(THETA(ixi,1:round(nt/3):nt,:)),'r--', 'DisplayName','\xi=-0.06');
elseif ixi==2
plot(z, squeeze(THETA(ixi,1:round(nt/3):nt,:)),'b', 'DisplayName','\xi=-0.2');
plot(z, squeeze(THETA(ixi,1:round(nt/3):nt,:)),'c', 'DisplayName','\xi=-0.1');
xlabel('t (seconds)')

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