Application of Logical operators
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Hi team,
I am trying to assign a colour to each part of this simple warehouse diagram with 4 shelves.

I have to assign a unique value to each part of this model, i.e., for the 4 shelves location, the aisles location, the warehouse corners.
I have tried to use logical operators to assign a colour to each part of the warehouse model. But I am having issues to do that properly. Kindly help.
My code:
clear all;
close all;
x_pos_tmp = 0:0.05:10;
y_pos_tmp = 0:0.05:5;
x_pos = repelem(x_pos_tmp,1,length(y_pos_tmp))';
y_pos = repmat(y_pos_tmp,1,length(x_pos_tmp))';
mat = [x_pos y_pos];
%% Shelf distance column
tmp1 = zeros(1,length(mat))';
matTmp = [mat tmp1];
for nx=1:length(mat)
% Adding the data for within shelf coverage
if ((mat(nx,1)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=1.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
matTmp(nx,3) = 50;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=3.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=3.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
matTmp(nx,3) = 50;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=5.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=5.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
matTmp(nx,3) = 50;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=7.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=7.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
matTmp(nx,3) = 50;
% In the aisle coverage
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=2.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=2.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
% matTmp(nx,3) = min((matTmp(nx,1)-2),(3-matTmp(nx,1)));
matTmp(nx,3) = 100;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=4.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=4.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
% matTmp(nx,3) = min((matTmp(nx,1)-4),(5-matTmp(nx,1)));
matTmp(nx,3) = 100;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=6.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=6.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=3.9))
% matTmp(nx,3) = min((matTmp(nx,1)-6),(7-matTmp(nx,1)));
matTmp(nx,3) = 100;
% Corner Aisles data
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=0 && matTmp(nx,1)<=0.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=0 && matTmp(nx,2)<=5)) % Left corner aisle
% matTmp(nx,3) = 1-matTmp(nx,1);
matTmp(nx,3) = 150;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=7.9 && matTmp(nx,1)<=10)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=0 && matTmp(nx,2)<=5)) % Right corner aisle
% matTmp(nx,3) = matTmp(nx,1)-8;
matTmp(nx,3) = 150;
% Strong LOS cases (East-West Direction)
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=7.9)&&(matTmp(nx,2)>=0 && matTmp(nx,2)<=0.9))
% matTmp(nx,3) = min((matTmp(nx,2)-0),(1-matTmp(nx,1)));
matTmp(nx,3) = 200;
elseif ((matTmp(nx,1)>=1.1 && matTmp(nx,1)<=7.9)&&((matTmp(nx,2)>=4.1 && matTmp(nx,2)<=5)))
% matTmp(nx,3) = min((matTmp(nx,2)-4),(5-matTmp(nx,1)));
matTmp(nx,3) = 200;
matTmp(nx,3) = 0;
%% Plot
data = reshape(matTmp(:,3),length(x_pos_tmp),length(y_pos_tmp));
imagesc(0:10,0:5, data); % 0:0.5:18,0:0.1:30,
xlabel('X-distance [m]','FontSize',14);
ylabel('Y-distance [m]','FontSize',14);
% a.Label.String = 'SINR [dB]';
ylabel(a,'SINR [dB]','FontSize',14)
colormap jet;
% clim([20 90])

This plot should look like the first figure. Looking forward to any kind of suggestions.
Thank You,
Rahul Singh Gulia
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 3 Oct 2022
Perhaps something like this —
hold on
for k = 1:4
patch([1 2 2 1]+2*(k-1), [1 1 4 4], 'b', 'FaceAlpha',0.5)
text(1.5+2*(k-1), 2.5, sprintf('Shelf %d',k), 'Horiz','center', 'Vert','middle', 'FontSize',8)
hold off
axis([0 10 0 5])
Ax = gca;
Ax.Color = [1 1 1]*0.9;
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