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How do I plot a second axis which scales with the inverse of the original axis?

20 views (last 30 days)
I'm creating an Arrhenius plot. The x-axis of the Arrhenius plot is 10,000/T in Kelvin. Rarely has there been a less intuitive axis. I want to add a second x-axis which plots temperature in Celsius, which would line up with the values in 10,000/T(K).
The problem here is that the second x-axis needs to scale with the inverse of the original. This is not a linear scale, or a log scale, but a 1/x scale. How do I do this?
So far I have been using addsecondaxis, here is the script which will approximate a second linear x-axis:
axes = gca; % get current axis data
Clim = 10000./axes.XLim - 273.15; % converts the current X axis limits to Celsius in a 1x2 vector
Clim = wrev(Clim); % reverses the vector so that addsecondaxis() won't break
addsecondaxis(Clim); % adds another axis at the top with degrees C
set(gca,'XDir','Reverse'); xlabel('Temperature (°C)') % labels/reverses the T(C) axis
Now I just need a way to get the axis to scale as 1/x rather than linear. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Using 2014b.

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 6 Mar 2015
I’m having a bit of a problem following your code, but you can label your second axis with whatever you want using set with gca and 'XTick' and 'XTickLabel'.
For example:
set(gca, 'XTick', axes.XLim, 'XTickLabel', Clim)
I’m not certain that’s exactly what you want, so experiment with it since I may have misunderstood your variables.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 7 Mar 2015
My pleasure! And thank you for the compliment!
Happy kinetic studies! My B.S. was in Chemistry, but back in the phlogiston days.

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