Bode Plots - Changing Line Styles

16 views (last 30 days)
N/A on 13 Mar 2015
Answered: Giovanni Pacheco on 28 Oct 2017
I created 3 bode magnitude plots with bodemag() and hold on, and I wanted to have it plot the three lines as three different black line styles (-, --, -. for example). I tried
LineStyle = '-'
LineStyle = '--'
LineStyle = '-.'
After each bodemag command, but I get three solid black lines. I know this is easier to do using simple plot(), but I'm not sure how to force this on the bode commands.
Thanks for any help!!

Accepted Answer

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro on 13 Mar 2015
You should use the line style in the bode (or bodemag) function itself, as follows:
>> sys1 = rss(2);
>> bodemag(sys1,'b-',2*sys1,'r--',0.5*sys1,'g-.');
- Sebastian

More Answers (1)

Giovanni Pacheco
Giovanni Pacheco on 28 Oct 2017
How do you do the same thing but instead of seperate systems, using a system with a for loop so in this case sys(i)?

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