The function rectifyStereoImages can't return reprojectionMatrix.with an error "Error using rectifyStereoImages Too many output arguments."

4 views (last 30 days)
Input data:
to_reg e rif contain 2 images converted in grey level, I tried to attach but mages are bigger than 5 Mb
ptsreg = detectSURFFeatures(to_reg);
ptsrif = detectSURFFeatures(rif);
[featreg,validPtsreg] = extractFeatures(to_reg,ptsreg);
[featrif,validPtsrif] = extractFeatures(rif,ptsrif);
index_pairs = matchFeatures(featrif,featreg,'MatchThreshold',sogliaMatch);
matchedPtsrif = validPtsrif(index_pairs(:,1));
matchedPtsreg = validPtsreg(index_pairs(:,2));
[fund,inlierF] = estimateFundamentalMatrix(matchedPtsrif, matchedPtsreg,Method=tipostimaF);
title("Point Matches After Outliers Are Removed");
This is the figure
[t1, t2] = estimateUncalibratedRectification(fund,matchedPtsrif(inlierF,:),matchedPtsreg(inlierF,:),size(to_reg));
Now, the problem is in next command line. If I run this
[rifRect,to_regRect] = rectifyStereoImages(rif,to_reg,t1,t2, OutputView='full');
the program correctly run.
If I run this
[rifRect,to_regRect,reprojectionMatrix] = rectifyStereoImages(rif,to_reg,t1,t2, OutputView='full');
the program gives me the error:
Error using rectifyStereoImages
Too many output arguments.
Error in ObjectExtraction_v0 (line 75)
[rifRect,to_regRect,reprojectionMatrix] = rectifyStereoImages(rif,to_reg,t1,t2, OutputView='full');
I need the reprojectionMatrix because I want to generate apply the function reconstructScene

Answers (1)

Varun on 21 Feb 2023
Edited: Varun on 21 Feb 2023
I believe the error is due to improper syntax while calling the rectifyStereoImages function. When using the syntax for getting a reprojectionMatrix, the function call must be in the format:
[rifRect,to_regRect,reprojectionMatrix] = rectifyStereoImages(rif,to_reg,stereoParams);
To know more, please refer to for documentation on rectifyStereoImages and for documentation and examples on reconstructScene.
Hope this helps!


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