how to save anovan figure as a .fig?

4 views (last 30 days)
i'm using anovan in a loop to generate ANOVA for multiple variables,
and i was not able to save the generated figure as a .fig
i was wondering if there is a way to do so?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 1 Dec 2022
It is likely not possible to save the image, however anovan creates a table with the same information if you request it, and it is certainly possible to save that —
y = [52.7 57.5 45.9 44.5 53.0 57.0 45.9 44.0]';
g1 = [1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2];
g2 = {'hi';'hi';'lo';'lo';'hi';'hi';'lo';'lo'};
g3 = {'may';'may';'may';'may';'june';'june';'june';'june'};
[p,Tbl] = anovan(y,{g1,g2,g3}) % Return Table Of Results
p = 3×1
0.4174 0.0028 0.9140
Tbl = 6×7 cell array
{'Source'} {'Sum Sq.' } {'d.f.'} {'Singular?'} {'Mean Sq.'} {'F' } {'Prob>F' } {'X1' } {[ 3.7813]} {[ 1]} {[ 0]} {[ 3.7813]} {[ 0.8160]} {[ 0.4174]} {'X2' } {[199.0013]} {[ 1]} {[ 0]} {[199.0013]} {[ 42.9460]} {[ 0.0028]} {'X3' } {[ 0.0612]} {[ 1]} {[ 0]} {[ 0.0612]} {[ 0.0132]} {[ 0.9140]} {'Error' } {[ 18.5350]} {[ 4]} {[ 0]} {[ 4.6338]} {0×0 double} {0×0 double} {'Total' } {[221.3788]} {[ 7]} {[ 0]} {0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double}
writecell(Tbl, 'MyAnovanResults.txt') % Write Table Of Results To Text File
Tanovan = readtable('MyAnovanResults.txt', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve') % Read Table Of Results
Tanovan = 5×7 table
Source Sum Sq. d.f. Singular? Mean Sq. F Prob>F _________ _______ ____ _________ ________ ________ _________ {'X1' } 3.7813 1 0 3.7813 0.81602 0.41743 {'X2' } 199 1 0 199 42.946 0.0028037 {'X3' } 0.06125 1 0 0.06125 0.013218 0.91401 {'Error'} 18.535 4 0 4.6338 NaN NaN {'Total'} 221.38 7 0 NaN NaN NaN
The anovan function has other outputs as well that you may want to consider requesting.

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