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How to center all of my data in my UItable in Appdesigner

4 views (last 30 days)
i create a table named 'Flowsheet' and i put in im my app = Flowsheet;
the date appears like this 1.47 e+4
  1. i want to center my data in the mention table
  2. i want to show my data with out this format , i want the 'format bank'

Answers (1)

Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado on 10 Dec 2022
Try this...
% First issue: transform a numeric value to string, defining your format.
LastName = {'Sanchez';'Johnson';'Li';'Diaz';'Brown'};
Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Age_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Age), '\n')';
Age_string = Age_string(1:end-1);
T = table(LastName, Age, Age_string)
T = 5×3 table
LastName Age Age_string ___________ ___ __________ {'Sanchez'} 38 {'38.000'} {'Johnson'} 43 {'43.000'} {'Li' } 38 {'38.000'} {'Diaz' } 40 {'40.000'} {'Brown' } 49 {'49.000'}
% Second issue: call uistyle
fig = uifigure;
tab = uitable(fig);
tab.Data = T;
s = uistyle("HorizontalAlignment", "center");
addStyle(tab, s)
Ali Azizzadeh
Ali Azizzadeh on 10 Dec 2022
Flow_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Flow), '\n')';
Flow_kg_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Flow_kg), '\n')';
D_cons_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n',D_cons), '\n')';
H2O_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', H2O), '\n')';
H2S_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', H2S), '\n')';
Temperature_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Temperature), '\n')';
Pressure_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Pressure), '\n')';
Molecular_weight_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Molecular_weight), '\n')';
s = uistyle("HorizontalAlignment",'center','IconAlignment','center');
format bank
app.UITable2.Data(:,1) = StreamNumber;
app.UITable2.Data(:,2) = Flow_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,3) = Flow_kg_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,4) = D_cons_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,5) = H2O_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,6) = H2S_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,7) = Temperature_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,8) = Pressure_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,9) = Molecular_weight_string;
tab = app.UITable2;
addStyle(tab, s)
this is portion of my code
i have this error when the code below is run
"Conversion to double from cell is not possible."
app.UITable2.Data(:,1) = StreamNumber;
app.UITable2.Data(:,2) = Flow_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,3) = Flow_kg_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,4) = D_cons_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,5) = H2O_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,6) = H2S_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,7) = Temperature_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,8) = Pressure_string;
app.UITable2.Data(:,9) = Molecular_weight_string;
Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado on 11 Dec 2022
You have to ignore the last element of the conversion...
Age = [38;43;38;40;49]
Age = 5×1
38 43 38 40 49
Age_string = strsplit(sprintf('%.3f\n', Age), '\n')'
Age_string = 6×1 cell array
{'38.000'} {'43.000'} {'38.000'} {'40.000'} {'49.000'} {0×0 char}
% The last element is {''}... ignore it, indexing 1:end-1
Age_string = Age_string(1:end-1)
Age_string = 5×1 cell array
{'38.000'} {'43.000'} {'38.000'} {'40.000'} {'49.000'}
% In your case...
app.UITable2.Data(:,1) = StreamNumber;
app.UITable2.Data(:,2) = Flow_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,3) = Flow_kg_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,4) = D_cons_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,5) = H2O_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,6) = H2S_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,7) = Temperature_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,8) = Pressure_string(1:end-1);
app.UITable2.Data(:,9) = Molecular_weight_string(1:end-1);

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