app designer readmatrix only 1 row

15 views (last 30 days)
I need to read the data from a excel starting from C63 and in the same row, to the last column. With writematrix using only ("Range", "C63") I write only in that row to the last column, but with readmatrix with the same ("Range"; "C63") I read from that cell to all the next rows and columns.
I only need to read that first row.
  1 Comment
Daniel on 15 Dec 2022
I can take the first row using the index, but I dont know if theres a better way to do it.

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Accepted Answer

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 15 Dec 2022
I would have used a similar approach. This could be faster depending on the size of your data:
prueba = readmatrix(app.filename,'Range','63:63');
prueba2 = prueba(:,3:end);
I am assuming that you don't know the number of columns in the data you are reading.
If you do know, you could just include the letter associated with the column.
prueba = readmatrix(app.filename,'Range','C63:N63');

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