Ploting of two vectors with different lengths

6 views (last 30 days)
I have two vectors xvalues(42471x1) and yvalues(29125x1). I need to plot these two values as their respective axis but unfortunately cant use NaN as the first value and last value in x and y are corrosponding to each other. I was asked to use spline function can some one help me out on this?
  1 Comment
Askic V
Askic V on 17 Jan 2023
I suggest you to look interp1 function, or bet read this thread:

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Answers (1)

KSSV on 17 Jan 2023
Let x be of size 42471x1 and y be of size 29125x1.
nx = length(x) ;
ny = length(y) ;
% convert y to size of x
id = linspace(1,nx,ny)' ;
idi = linspace(1,nx,nx)' ;
yi = interp1(id,y,idi) ; % you can specify your method here
hold on


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