lscurve fit problem issue in Money Rivlin model

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I have got a function with respect to different variables. I want to make sum of that function with respect to the variables. my equations are
fun1=@(a,x1) a(1).*(2*x1-2./x1.^2)+a(2).*(2-2./x1.^3)+a(3).*(6* x1.^2-6*x1-6./x1.^4+6./x1.^3 +6./x1.^2-6)
fun2=@(a,x2) a(1).*(2*x2)+a(2).*(2*x2)+a(3).*(4*x2.^3)
I want to add fun1 and fun2
fun_sum= @(a,x1,x2) fun(a,x1)+ fun(a,x2)
now by applying lscurvefit I want values of a(1), a(2) and a(3)
I am looking forward for reply

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 20 Feb 2023
I am not certain what you want to do.
Two independent variables may require one or two dependent variables, however with only one dependent variable, it will need to be duplicated to two columns (assuming all data are column-oriented) —
fun1=@(a,x1) a(1).*(2*x1-2./x1.^2)+a(2).*(2-2./x1.^3)+a(3).*(6* x1.^2-6*x1-6./x1.^4+6./x1.^3 +6./x1.^2-6);
fun2=@(a,x2) a(1).*(2*x2)+a(2).*(2*x2)+a(3).*(4*x2.^3);
fun12 = @(a,x1x2) [fun1(a,x1x2(:,1)) fun2(a,x1x2(:,2))];
x1x2 = rand(12,2);
y1y2 = rand(12,2);
B0 = rand(3,1);
B = lsqcurvefit(fun12, B0, x1x2, y1y2) % Two Dependent Variables
Local minimum found. Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than the value of the optimality tolerance.
B = 3×1
-0.0744 0.0176 -0.0004
y1y1 = [1 1].*y1y2(:,1); % Duplicate First Column
B = lsqcurvefit(fun12, B0, x1x2, y1y1) % One Dependent Variable, Duplicated
Local minimum found. Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than the value of the optimality tolerance.
B = 3×1
-0.0865 0.0210 -0.0004

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