error while solving the coupled ode

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KM on 21 Feb 2023
Commented: KM on 24 Feb 2023
I have been trying to solve the following ode
but a "singular jacobian error" is recurring and is very sensitive to parameters. I think it's because of the guess function issue but I'm not very sure of it. I tried many guess functions but didn't seem to work. If there is any way out or suggestion to overshoot this error, please do help.
Torsten on 21 Feb 2023
What is "a_tilde" compared to "a" ?
KM on 21 Feb 2023
a_tilde = n(a+1)/r
The origian equation was in a, "a_tilde" was a substitute.
I have written the full equation in code after the substituting the value of "a_tilde".

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Accepted Answer

Torsten on 21 Feb 2023
% Defining parameters
delta = 0.02; % Lower integral bound
R = 5; % Upper integral bound
theta = 0; % ArcTan(q/g)
maxPoints = 1e6; % Maximum numer of grid point used by bvpc4
initialPoints = 100; % Number of initial grid points used by bvpc4
tol = 1e-3; % Maximum allowed relative error.
L = 10;
N = 1;
n = 1;
m = 0;
g = 5;
lambda = 1;
% Boundary conditions
y0 = [0, -1, N*pi, 0];
% Initial conditions
A = @(r) (1-tanh(((L*r)/R)-(L/3)))/2;
dA = cosh(theta)*(coth(delta)-delta*csch(delta).^2);
F = @(r) (1+tanh(((L*r)/R)-(L/3)))/2;
dF = (1-delta*coth(delta))*csch(delta);
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(delta, R, initialPoints), [1 1 1 1]);
% Solves system using bvpc4
options = bvpset('RelTol', tol, 'NMax', maxPoints); % This function sets the allowed
%relative error and maximum number of grid points.
sol = bvp4c(@(r, y) heatGauge(r, y, lambda, g, m, n), @(ya, yb) bcheatGauge(ya, yb, y0),...
solinit, options);
r = linspace(delta, R, 1e4);
y = deval(sol, r);
plot(r,y(1,:),r, y(2,:))
grid on
function dy = heatGauge(r, y, lambda, g, m, n)
a = y(1);
f = y(2);
adot = y(3);
fdot = y(4);
atilde = n*(a+1.0)/r;
dy(1) = adot;
dy(2) = fdot;
dy(3) = a/r + g^2*(1+a)*(1+lambda^2*fdot^2)*sin(f)^2;
dy(4) = (-fdot/r*((2*n*adot-atilde)*lambda^2*atilde*sin(f)^2+lambda^2*r*fdot*atilde^2*sin(f)*cos(f)+1)...
function res = bcheatGauge(ya, yb, y0)
res = [ya(1) - y0(1);yb(1) - y0(2);ya(2) - y0(3);yb(2) - y0(4)];
Torsten on 24 Feb 2023
These equations look a lot better than the ones you posted first.
Did you try to solve them ?
KM on 24 Feb 2023
Hi @Torsten. I have got the conditional plots
  1. Code doesn't run for R>2 and g>1.4
  2. and have to modity the bc for a, it's not running for -1 but -0.9. (in the codes)
delta = 0.0001; % Lower integral bound
R = 1; % Upper integral bound
theta = 0; % ArcTan(q/g)
maxPoints = 1e4; % Maximum numer of grid point used by bvpc4
initialPoints = 10; % Number of initial grid points used by bvpc4
tol = 1e-4;
L = 10; % Maximum allowed relative error.
g = 0.0;
mu = sqrt(0.1);
n = 1;
lambda = 1;
% Boundary conditions
ya(1) = 0;
yb(1) =-0.9;
ya(2) = 1;
yb(2) = 0;
y0 = [0, -0.9, 1, 0];
% Initial conditions
A = @(xi) 3*xi./sinh(3*xi)-1;
F = @(xi) 3*xi./sinh(3*xi);
dA = (1-delta*coth(delta))*csch(delta);
dF = (1-delta*coth(delta))*csch(delta);
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(delta, R, initialPoints), [A(delta), F(delta), dA, dF]);
options = bvpset('RelTol', tol, 'NMax', maxPoints);
Plot(xi.^2/2 , y(1,:), xi.^2/2, y(2,:))
Although I was looking for plots for at most g = 10 and R = 8.
I can't figure out these any further. If any input from your end can make it as expected, thanks in advance.

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