Anyone can help me? I just tried with imfuse, with surf when I insert in the place of my raman picture the colors like
asd=topography_picture.CData; % topography data
asd(points{1}(1):points{3}(1),points{1}(2):points{2}(2))=raman_interpC;% inserting the raman picture signal
surf(xx,yy,topography_picture.CData,asd);%surf(X,Y,Z,C) additionally specifies the surface color.
I liked the case with surf but it's not exactly what I want and one more thing I dont know how to control the alphadata only the raman signal picture. It's cover the area of the topography in the place of the raman picture but I barely see the intensity of the raman signal.
See what I have after

This what I wanted but I dont see the intensity of the raman signal, only the boundaries which it covers the surface of the topography signal.
I wonder why in matlab there is no such a function. This is very useful thing in image processing.
I will be very grateful if you can help me.
See below only raman signal:

And here is only topography image:

Thank you.