Handle to a Property or field

2 views (last 30 days)
Nathan Bblanc
Nathan Bblanc on 14 Mar 2023
Commented: Nathan Bblanc on 18 Mar 2023
Lets say I have a struct or a handle object with many properties, so that calling a property with a dot is time consuming (it is done millions of times ever run)
is there a way to asign a handle to the property so that I can call it directly?

Accepted Answer

Rik on 14 Mar 2023
The only way I can think of is to make that property contain an object of a handle class. Other than that, no, because you can only directly refer to objects, not to their properties.
If the indexing is the problem, why not store the value in a variable? I can't imagine any user interaction generating changes millions of times.
Rik on 16 Mar 2023
Edited: Rik on 16 Mar 2023
Perhaps a persistent variable to create a makeshift dictionary would do the trick?
That way you can use ismember to look up the index in your cached data. You can even implement a counter that refreshes your data every X times.
Also, what do you think the chances are that I made a typo in my own name?
Nathan Bblanc
Nathan Bblanc on 18 Mar 2023
Thank you again for your answer Rik :)
Your answer looks like a good workaround, albeit a bit dirty. I will try it

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