How to repeat a vector over and over?
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Ali Almakhmari
on 6 Apr 2023
Commented: Ali Almakhmari
on 6 Apr 2023
I have a vector with a length of 1023 elements (1 by 1023 elements). I want this vector to be 1 by 50000, in other words, change it up to 50000 elements by copying the 1023 elements over and over and over until it stretches to 50000 elements. The thing is, sometimes the original vector's length and the desired one are not compatiable, like this example I gave. 50000/1023 is not necessarily an integer, so the code will have to copy the 1023 elements 48 times and then there will be 896 spaces left, so they will have to be filled with the first 896 elements of the 1023 original elements. I hope someone can help me do this efficiently because I have to do this process like a million time for some analysis I am running :)
Accepted Answer
John D'Errico
on 6 Apr 2023
Edited: John D'Errico
on 6 Apr 2023
So write a function that does it for you.
vec = 1:4;
vec = [0;1];
function newvec = repvec(vec,finallength)
% replicates elements of a vector to have a final length
nvec = numel(vec);
reps = ceil(finallength/nvec);
newvec = repmat(vec(:),reps,1);
newvec(finallength+1:end) = [];
if isrow(vec), newvec = newvec.'; end
repvec will insure the resulting vector is a row or column vector, depending on what came in.
More Answers (2)
the cyclist
on 6 Apr 2023
Edited: the cyclist
on 6 Apr 2023
Here is one way:
% Inputs (for example small enough to easily see the result)
N = 7;
v = [2 3 5];
% Algorithm
vlen = numel(v);
b = rem(N,vlen);
out = [repmat(v,1,(N-b)/vlen) v(1:b)]
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