Cannot read frames from .avi video file
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Elysi Cochin
on 10 Apr 2023
Commented: Cris LaPierre
on 13 Apr 2023
Why cant I read the frames from the attached .avi video?
I used the below line
v = VideoReader('00jrXRMlZOY_0_10.avi');
and I got v as below

The values of v can be viewed, but when I use the below code, I dont get any error, but, no frame is displayed, but the v shows properties. Why so?
while hasFrame(v)
vidFrame = readFrame(v);
figure(1), imshow(vidFrame)
Please can someone suggest me, what do I need to do, to solve it?
Accepted Answer
Cris LaPierre
on 10 Apr 2023
Edited: Cris LaPierre
on 13 Apr 2023
There is likely an issue with the codec. See this page:
Cris LaPierre
on 13 Apr 2023
I also didn't get an error, but could not read the video or even get info about the file using mmfileinfo. From the page I linked to:
Troubleshooting: Errors Reading Video File
You might be unable to read a video file if MATLAB cannot access the appropriate codec. 64-bit applications use 64-bit codec libraries, while 32-bit applications use 32-bit codec libraries. For example, when working with 64-bit MATLAB, you cannot read video files that require access to a 32-bit codec installed on your system. To read these files, try one of the following:
- Install a 64-bit codec that supports this file format. Then, try reading the file using 64-bit MATLAB.
- Re-encode the file into a different format with a 64-bit codec that is installed on your computer.
Sometimes, VideoReader cannot open a video file for reading on Windows platforms. This might occur if you have installed a third-party codec that overrides your system settings. Uninstall the codec and try opening the video file in MATLAB again.
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