Taylor's method of order 2 programming

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So I am writing a program to solve an IVP problem, I'm trying to write it with not using the function script because I want to plot the error later.
This is my coding:
h=0.1; t=1:h:2; n=length(t);
%initial condition y=zeros(n,1); y(1)=-0.5;
for i = 1:n-1 y(i+1)=y(i)+h*RHS(t(i),y(i))+(h.^2/2)*RHS3(t(i),y(i)); end
truesol= (sqrt(3)/(2*t))*tan((sqrt(3)/2)*log(t))-1/2*t;
[t' y truesol']
And I wrote my RHS(which is my original function) and RHS3(which is my df/dt) separately:
function result = RHS(t,y)
result= y.^2+(1/(t.^2));
function result= RHS3(t,y)
result = 2*y.^3+((2*y)/(t.^2))-(2/(t.^3));
Everything seems to be okay, I even tried a simple "true solution" and it works. It only doesn't work when I tried the correct true solution, which is
truesol= (sqrt(3)/(2*t))*tan((sqrt(3)/2)*log(t))-1/2*t;
it gives me an error of "??? Error using ==> mldivide Matrix dimensions must agree."
Thanks for any input.

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Apr 2015
See if vectorising this line (replacing (/) with (./) and (*) with (.*)) solves the problem:
truesol= (sqrt(3)./(2*t)).*tan((sqrt(3)/2)*log(t))-1/2*t;
Consider vectorising other lines in your code as well. See Array vs. Matrix Operations for details.
ivordes greenleaf
ivordes greenleaf on 13 Apr 2015
Thank you so much, that really does help.
I also want to plot the logarithm of error log|yexact-yapprox| versus the logarithm of step size h, and then find the slope of that straight line through the graph. I wrote a line of code stated
err(i) = (abs(truesol(i)-y(i)));
truesol= (sqrt(3)*tan((sqrt(3)/2)*log(t))-1)./(2*t);
and then can I do a plot(loglog(h,err)), it does give me something, and it's a graph with a line with slope 1. I think this is a little too simple to be right, so what should I do here?
Thank you so much for your help.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Apr 2015
My pleasure. I’m glad it worked.
I did not run your code, but it would seem to me that a smaller step size would result in a smaller error. You are plotting log(err) against log(h), so I would expect a linear relationship. I believe your plot is likely correct.

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