- Finding all the requirements of the system along with the parameters that need to be defined
- Design the system according to the ADRC logic that you have developed. You can find an example of ADRC MIMO model in the following File Exchange link:
- As you will be using multiple inputs with multiple states for the system, you must use the Product block (available at Simulink / Math Operations) with the "Multiplication" parameter set as "Matrix(*)" to implement the equations of each state for your system.
- "Matrix(*)" mode of Product block : https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2022a/simulink/slref/product.html#:~:text=of%20inputs%3A%20*/*-,Matrix%20Mode,-When%20the%20value
- Active Disturbance Rejection Control block : https://www.mathworks.com/help/slcontrol/ug/activedisturbancerejectioncontrol.html