JAVA heap space memory issue

7 views (last 30 days)
Karan on 20 Jun 2023
Edited: Kevin Gurney on 20 Jun 2023
I have an XML file of approximate 1 GB size.
I have used xmlread command in my script which always leads to below error:
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I maximized the Java Heap Memory under Preferences to 4016 MB.But I am still getting the same issue.
Any work around?

Answers (1)

Kevin Gurney
Kevin Gurney on 20 Jun 2023
Edited: Kevin Gurney on 20 Jun 2023
You could try using the newer MATLAB APIs for XML Processing (MAXP) or readstruct rather than xmlread. Neither of these interfaces use Java under the hood.
However, there is still a possibility of out of memory issues if your XML file is too large relative to the amount of available memory on your machine.
MAXP Example:
filename = "data.xml"
dom = parseFile(Parser, filename);
readstruct Example:
filename = "data.xml"
s = readstruct(filename);
Ultimately, if your XML file is too large to load into memory all at once, then you may need to use a streaming / "chunk"-based parsing approach. For example, you could try to leverage a SAX based Java parser or other third party SAX parser to only read parts of the file at a time to decrease maximum memory usage.




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